ARRA - School & Teacher - Transition & Employment


Shows common examples of how to recognize and respond to requests for job accommodations in familiar job settings.


Guides students with disabilities to think about what's coming after high-school and build the skills to be successful.



This program discusses innovative tips and strategies a person can use to set goals and find career direction.


Provides more than 8,000 entries to help people with disabilities pursue their educational and career goals.


The nation's leading experts will guide you in your search for a college where you can be successful, and explain specific steps for visiting, interviewing, applying, disclosing, and succeeding once you are in college.




84-item assessment checklist for seven major employability areas.


Photo-illustrated reading comprehension program featuring contemporary life skill themes.


Employer-focused DVD will introduce you to dozens of people with disabilities who describe how they found their paths to successful careers and why they love their jobs.


This fast moving, youth-focused DVD features role models with disabilities in a wide range of employment settings.


Inspires young people to explore careers and follow their dreams.


Makes use of pictures of individuals engaged in different occupations and does not require reading comprehension or written language skills.


Gives individuals a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on their interests.


Ten chapters of scripted role plays and corresponding worksheets prepare transition students for the world of work.


Read about and analyze community-based social situations using an illustrated, short story format.


An easy, self-scoring, career assessment inventory.